
달리기와 체중조절

kimpk 2008. 10. 6. 02:13

뉴욕타임즈에 운동과 관련된 재미있는 기사가 있어 소개한다.


아래 기사에 나온 것처럼 내가 달리기를 시작할 때인 99년에 키가 작고, 뚱뚱하고, 대머리였는데 9년동안 매년 2천키로 이상 뛰고 풀코스 마라톤을 15번 뛴 후에도 여전히 키가 작고, 뚱뚱하고, 대머리다. 체중조절은 너무 힘들고, 지는 것이 뻔한 싸움을 하고 있는 것이다.


오늘 아침에 2시간 25분 동안 22.7km 뛰었다.

Does Exercise Really Keep Us Healthy?


(앞부분 생략)

Exercise alone, in the absence of weight loss, has not been shown to reduce blood pressure. Nor does it make much difference incholesterollevels. Weight loss can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, but if you want to lose weight, you have to diet as well as exercise. Exercise alone has not been shown to bring sustained weight loss.Just ask Steven Blair, an exercise researcher at theUniversity of South Carolina. He runs every day and even runs marathons. But, he adds,“I was short,fatand bald when I started running, and I’m still short, fat and bald. Weight control is difficult for me. I fight the losing battle.”


The difficulty, Dr. Blair says, is that it’s much easier to eat 1,000 calories than to burn off 1,000 calories with exercise. As he relates, “An old football coach used to say, ‘I have all my assistants running five miles a day, but they eat 10 miles a day.’”