건강한 삶을 위하여

'다이어트'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2006.10.04 2005/07/19 건강을 위한 10가지 습관 1

미국의 USA투데이는 다이어트나 운동하는 것 외에 건강하게 사는 10가지 요령을 소개했습니다. 마니투데이에 난 기사에다 원문을 보고 좀 더 살을 붙여 소개드리오니 이 글을 보시는 분들이 건강한 삶을 유지했으면 좋겠습니다.

매일 이를 닦고 치실질(floss)을 해라. 잇몸 질환이 심장병, 당뇨 등 위험한 질병을 일으킬 수 있다고 한다.

쇼핑 몰을 자주 가라. 가게를 기웃거리며 가격을 비교하다 보면 운동이 되고 치매도 예방할 수 있다. 쇼핑이 마음에 들지 않는 사람들은 걷기나 그와 비슷한 운동을 해도 좋다.

flavonoids같은 노화방지 물질을 풍부하게 함유하고 있는 다크 초콜렛을 먹어라. 플라보노이드는 혈액이 엉키는 것과 심장 질환을 예방한다. 포도, 적포도주, 사과와 차에도 플라보노이드가 있다고 한다.

자주 웃어라. 최소 하루에 한 번 이상 기분 좋게 웃을 수 있으면 좋다. 웃음은 혈관을 팽창시켜 혈액순환을 원할히 해주고 신진대사를 활발히 해준다.

섹스를 자주 하라. 주기적인 성생활을 영위하는 사람이 오래 산다고 한다. 그리고 성생활이 원만한 사람은 감기와 우울증을 쉽게 물리칠 수 있고 심장질환을 예방할 수도 있다고 한다. 볼룸댄스(ballroom dance)나 가벼운 걷기도 좋다.

잠을 충분히 자라. 잠을 자면 기억력과 주의력을 최상의 상태로 유지할 수 있고 체중 조절에도 도움이 된다. 잠이 부족해서 비만이 될 수도 있다. 하루 7~9시간씩 잠을 충분히 자는 것이 좋다.

몸의 유연성과 근력을 강화시켜주는 요가를 하라. 요가를 하면 중심을 잘 잡을 수 있기 때문에 넘어지는 것을 방지할 수 있으며 이것은 나이 많은 분들에게 특히 필요한 것이다.

매일 한 움큼의 Almond를 섭취하라. Almond는 심장병의 원인이 되는 LDL 콜레스트롤의 수치를 낮춰준다.

기도하거나 명상하라. 하루 20분 정도의 기도나 명상은 혈압을 낮춰주고 근심과 스트레스에서 해방시켜 준다.

인도 음식을 먹어라. 카레라이스에 함유된 커큐민 성분은 심장병과 암 예방에 효과적이다.
아래는 영어 원문입니다. 빼먹은 부분도 많이 있으며 특히 오역이 있을지 모르니 원문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.


10 other paths to better health
by Kathleen Fackelmann, USA Today

So you don't want a bare-bones diet of salad and not much else. You don't have the time or opportunity to hit the gym every day. And, excuse me, but you actually like not-so-healthful foods such as double bacon cheeseburgers.

Still, you keep hearing that poor health habits can put you at risk of an early heart attack, diabetes or even Alzheimer's. And it would be nice to drop a few pounds.

Before you give up and reach for another bacon cheeseburger, consider this: Though eating healthfully and exercising frequently are still the best ways to improve your well-being, there are alternatives.

USA TODAY reporter Kathleen Fackelmann gives you 10 ways - certified by science - to give your health a boost.

Brush and floss

Brush your teeth and floss every day. Studies suggest that gum disease might contribute to the development of heart disease, diabetes and other risky conditions, says Gordon Douglass, an American Academy of Periodontology spokesman. Scientists believe the bacteria that infect gums can enter the bloodstream and cause problems in other parts of the body, he says. When a toothbrush and floss aren't handy, you might want to eat raisins, which have been shown to fight off the bacteria that can cause gum disease.

Go to the mall

The benefits of going to the mall can be considerable if you walk at a brisk pace, take the stairs instead of the elevator and comparison-shop by doing the math in your head, says neurologist Marilyn Albert of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and a spokeswoman for the Alzheimer's Association. Shoppers that do those three things are gaining not just a fitness advantage; they also are protecting against Alzheimer's by keeping their brains active, she says. If going to the mall is not your thing, try gardening, join a walking club or play volleyball or another team sport.

Eat dark chocolate

Dark and bittersweet chocolate contain hefty amounts of anti-aging substances called flavonoids, says Carl Keen, chairman of the nutrition department at the University of California-Davis. Small amounts of flavonoid-rich dark chocolate might help protect against blood clots and heart attacks, he says. Purple grapes, red wine, apples and tea also contain flavonoids.

Laugh more

At least once a day, get a good laugh in, says Michael Miller, director of preventive cardiology at the University of Maryland Medical Center. His studies suggest laughter helps keep blood vessels dilated and protects against heart attacks. Go see a funny movie, read the comics, tell a joke or share a laugh with friends.

Have sex frequently

Studies suggest that men who have a regular sex life live longer, says Barbara Bartlik, a psychiatrist and sex therapist at the New York-Weill Cornell Medical Center. People with a good sex life also seem better able to ward off colds and depression and might even gain protection from heart disease, she says. You also can get your heart racing with ballroom dancing or taking a short walk at sunset.

Get enough sleep

Sleep helps keep memory and attention in top form, and it might help regulate body weight. Studies suggest that sleep deprivation is linked to obesity, says Meir Kryger, a sleep specialist at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada. How much sleep is enough? Most people need seven to nine hours a night, says Kryger, who also is a spokesman for the National Sleep Foundation.

Take up yoga

Beginner yoga classes offer a set of poses that increase flexibility and strength and might help people who have arthritis, says Patience White of the Arthritis Foundation. The poses also can improve balance, which can help prevent falls, especially for older people, she says. Swimming, tai-chi and tennis are other activities that can help you remain flexible and strong.

Munch on almonds

Just a handful of almonds eaten daily helps lower LDL cholesterol, the bad cholesterol that contributes to heart disease, and might reduce the risk of developing certain cancers, including colon cancer, says researcher Paul Davis, a biochemist at the University of California-Davis. Almonds and other nuts contain beneficial substances including vitamin E.

Pray or meditate

Prayer or meditation might lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, cut stress levels and perhaps even help people live longer, says Harold Koenig, a psychiatrist at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, N.C. How much prayer or meditation is good for your health? Koenig suggests about 20 minutes a day.

Go out for Indian food

Studies suggest that curcumin, the yellow pigment in curry spice, might help protect against heart disease and cancer and perhaps ward off Alzheimer's disease, says Greg Cole, a researcher at the University of California-Los Angeles. His studies suggest that yellow curry spice ? a popular ingredient in Indian foods ? can protect mice from a disease similar to Alzheimer's.

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